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VENUS offers a comprehensive OEM service package including FREE consulting, customerlize design, individual planning design and engineering, cost analysis, delivery terms schedules, manufacturing, and warranty. In addition, VENUS provides technical support on project installation and system operation to create specified renewable energy products effects for its customers throughout the world.

Juan José Ramírez vasco
international Marketing in Latinoamérica and Caribeen Islands
Cellphones: +57 3147837201/ 3011183455
Email: [email protected]
Luis Fernando Ángel Tobón
Gerente General
AP Soluciones Integradas S.A.S.
Cel : 300 558 2156 - 3226196773
Tel : 57-6-317 1805 / 335 8206
Pereira, Risaralda - Colombia
international Seller and authorized distribution in Colombia and Panama